Wednesday 26 March 2014

Showcase: Show Don't Tell Activity Presentations

Show Don't Tell Activity

Pick a paragraph from a book or story that shows rather than tells.

Write a ‘telling’ version of this paragraph.

Identifying the elements in the original that bring specific images to readers’ minds.


Showcasing some of the best presentations with detailed analysis:






Saturday 22 February 2014

Word Choice - Analyze, Interpret and Give Examples - Aadya

Analyze the quote for word choice

Simile: Words can be ‘like’ X rays.
Personification: they’ll go through anything, you read and you are pierced:

Interpret - what is the quote trying to convey?

The quote is saying that you can’t put away a good book. You have to continue reading. Words go through everything - your heart and mind - and they do not leave you. Once you start reading you are 'pierced'. The words will stay in your brain and keep you wondering about them until you finish reading.

Weak example of word choice:
The girl was reading.

Strong example of word choice:
The little girl was so engrossed in the book that when the school bell rang she did not realize that the teacher had entered the class. When the little girl was put in detention she couldn’t stop thinking about the rest of the book because it was stuck in her mind.

Sunday 5 January 2014

WOW - Ubiquitous


existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time

Saturday 4 January 2014

WOW - Insipid

The diners were disappointed with the plain insipid soup they were served. 


The students found the class uninteresting and boring because the teacher had the most insipid presentations.

WOW - Zealous


PETA’s shock provoking advertisements are meant to attract attention but some feel that PETA is over zealous about animal rights and vegetarianism. Their provocative advertisements show their passion for the cause.


Thursday 12 December 2013

Showcase - Picture Prompt - Vegetable seller - Anumita

A very strong conclusion - it ties up the entire story. 
This story makes connections between the state of the vegetables and the girl in the picture.
Well written!

The old rusted yellow colored wall with the open old rustic wooden door looked very dull. There was a three stepped staircase in front of the door and one could often see a little, thin, frail girl sitting on the steps all by herself. The house belonged to a vegetable vendor. He would put a cloth on the floor on the left side of the staircase and the vegetables on it to sell. He had two kids, a son named Rahu and a daughter named Gazara.  Gazara was always dejected. Her parents were always partial towards her brother. They had once thought to send her to a school but their neighborhood told them that she would not help her parents if she went to school. So she was not sent to school. Only her brother went to school. Her parents had the same bias in other matters also. She was not allowed to go out to play, or celebrate festivals. While her brother got sweet treats and good food, she did not. 

The same thing happened today. Her parents and her brother went to the fair whereas she was asked to stay back to sell vegetables. As was her usual self, she sat on the staircase, hand on hand, staring at nothing in particular.   A weighing scale was lying on her left. Next to it were some withered vegetables which she was supposed to sell. A few frail cabbages, yellowed cucumber, a few bunches of insipid spinach and some more vegetables in old cartons. It appeared as if even the vegetables reflected her dilapidated stated, deprived of everything good in life.

Monday 9 December 2013

WOW - Innocuous

Not offensive, dangerous or harmful
Lacking intent or capacity to injure

The innocuous looking lump on his forehead turned out to be malignant - it is a good thing they got it checked by the doctor instead of getting fooled by the looks of it.

The student was merely curious when he asked the teacher an innocuous question. He did not mean to hurt the teacher's feelings.

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